Friday, June 24, 2016



Chevy Offers Cleaner-Burning E85
FlexFuel-Capable Vehicles

For the past ten years, Chevrolet has been producing vehicles capable of running on a biofuel that grows primarily from the earth. E85 ethanol is a mostly renewable fuel source made from U.S.-grown grain products. In the future, E85 will be made increasingly from agriculture, forest and municipal waste. E85 biofuel burns cleaner than gasoline and can help decrease our dependence on petroleum. E85 biofuel consists of 85% ethanol, 15% gasoline and generally has a higher octane rating than gasoline, which can result in slightly higher horsepower and torque levels.

Chevrolet offers more E85 FlexFuel-capable vehicle choices than any other brand. Availability of E85 ethanol varies by state at more than 2,600 stations across the country.

Fuel Solutions

Chevrolet has been pushing the limits of fuel efficiency for years fo you can be confident your vehicle is getting the most out of every drop of fuel. From XFE and Eco models, to Hybrids and Extended Range Vehicles, we’ve explored various options to find the ones best suited for your life. But we won’t stop there.

We’re committed to finding and developing new solutions everyday to meet the growing demand for better fuel economy without ever sacrificing performance. Because in the end, we’re committed to you and the life you’re leading.